Payton had her first bath at home and it went really well. Mom and dad were more nervous than she was! She does love her daddy and was glad to be finally warm in her towel!
Well here she finally is. I guess we should start from the beginning...... It all started about a week before she actually was born. Mandy started having mild contractions on Saturday the 8th. They would come and go for about 3 hours every night and then stop. She was 80% effaced and ready to go. On thursday they started to get more painful and all in her back. Friday morning was her 40 week appointment and she was dialated to about a 2 and fully effaced. Dr sloan said that since she was on call all weekend she would start her on saturday morning if she wasn't already in labor. Well all day Friday we had contractions every 10-15 minutes until about 5:30 and then they got to about 6 minutes apart. Then they would go back to about 10 minutes. They got to be to much about 5 am so we went into the hospital. She was dialated to 3.5. They broke her water at about 9:30 and they decided to have them go for a walk to get the contractions closer together. At about 11:30 she finally got her epidural. YEAH! But she still wouldn't dialate any faster and was only at a 4. So they started the patosin drips. To make a really long story short Payton couldn't handle the contractions once they got closer together. Her heart rate would drop rapidly after every contraction. So they gave Mandy something to stop the contractions all together. At about 7:30 the doctor said that she didn't know how much longer the baby could handle the contractions and Mandy was only at a 5.5. So it was decided that she needed to have a c-section. So after 15 hours of labor Payton was born at 9:25 pm. She was 7 lbs 13 oz & 19 1/2 inches. She is the most beautiful baby and such a blessing to Mom and Dad. She is such a Daddy's girl, Justin can calm her down just by touching her and talking to her.