Go COUGARS! Justin was very excited about the outcome of todays game. As you can see our house was a cougar fest!
5 Things I was Doing 10 Years Ago
I was in 8th grade...not my favorite year2.
Playing Soccer3.
Being a hard 13 year old!!
Making new friends5.
A whole lot of nothing5 Things I was Doing 5 Years Ago
It was my first year out of school.
Working at WAMU.
Hanging out with Justin.....alot4.
Man i didn't do much at this time5.
My life was all about work and justin.....g's
5 Things I was doing 1 Year Ago
1. Raising a daughter...
2. Not sleeping
3. Getting ready for the Holidays as a family
4. Getting through the end of school with Justin.
5. Enjoying every minute of being a new mom.
5 Snacks I Really Enjoy
1. Ice cream cones
2. Chips & Salsa3. Pringles and cheese4. Skittles5. Ice cream
5 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Went shopping with my mom
2. Cleaned
3. Laundry
4. Went to the mall and had paytons picture taken with all the anderson grandkids
5. Got No sleep
5 Jobs I’ve Had
1. Tanning salon
2. Cleaning buildings
3. K-mart
4. Wamu
5. Being a Mom...i should have put that at #1!!5 Things I Would Do if I Had a Million Dollars
1.Shocker.... save
2 Give to family members
3. save
4. save
5. if i wasn't a woose maybe a surgery or two! :)
5 T.V. Shows I Like
1.Gilmore Girls
2. One tree hill
3. Amazing Race
4. Ellen
5. Brothers & Sisters
5 Things I Hate Doing1. Mopping
2. Getting a headache
3. Folding laundry
4. Cleaning poop from Jax (dog)
5. Being unhappy
5 Biggest Joys of the Moment
1. Playing ring around the rosies with payton
2. Teaching payton new things
3.Getting ready for Disneyland
4. Spending time with Justin & Payton
5. Fixing up the house
5 People Tagged
2. Kami
3. Cortney
5. Anyone else who wants to-or if you don't that is ok too!