Payton with her princess blanket that mommy made. The girls Christmas morning! As you can see it was a Backyardigans Christmas... And of course her first 4 wheeler! We had a wonderful Christmas this year and hope that you all did too!
Payton in her Christmas jammies that she got in Disneyland! Yes she was sticking her face in the snow and eating it! We started our own family tradition when we got married to go to dinner and see the lights on Temple Square. Then when payton was born we decided to add going to Build a Bear and letting her make a bear. This year was obviously a lot more fun than last year. Due to the lovely snow storm we didn't make it to the lights but instead we came home and made this snowman. We also make gingerbread houses and then get to wear our Christmas Pajamas!
Last week we had our neices and nephews over to play in the snow. Justin got the wheeler out and pulled them around the yard on a tube. They had a good time and payton loves it when they come over!