Monday, February 18, 2008

Anderson Look-alike Meter

So what do you think? Is it true that Payton looks more like Mandy? Everyone always says that she looks like Justin. I got a little excited, but i wonder what you guys think? Leave a comment on what you think!

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Pedigree - Search for family tree for free

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love day!

I wanted to show a picture of Payton on her first Valentines (last year) and show how much she has changed. She looks so little and cute! Awwww
Our day began with making cupcakes for all of Paytons Valentines.
She helped mostly with the cleaning up as you can see here... :)
After her nap we got ready to finish the cupcakes and go see Daddy for lunch
Blowing kisses...

This was her very own cupcake...
She was a big help...
This was a very nice Valentines. We love cupcakes and it is one of Paytons new words to say so we thought we would share them with all that we love. Hope you all had a great day!