Okay so this will just be a quick post so that everyone can see some pictures of our newest addition to our family.
Kennedy Ione Anderson just couldn't wait any longer to come down and play with her big sister!! Kennedy was born on April 22, 2009 at 9:33 weighing in a whopping 5.06 lbs 18.5 inches. Kennedy had to come one month early due to some complications with Mandys blood pressure and high levels of protein in her urine. I am so grateful that all of my girls are safe!! Mandy is continuing to battle some high blood pressure but for the most part is doing fabulous!! Kennedy is a little fighter!! Being a premie I couldn't ask for better health for her!!
I just wanted to tell Mandy how absolutely proud I am of her and how grateful I am for all she does for our family. She is the best wife, mom, and best friend in the world!! She is my rock and I absolutely adore her now more then ever!!! I also wanted to thank my heavenly father for giving our family such a wonderful blessing and for being with our family every step of the way!! Blessings are a miraclous thing and I want to thank some special friends for their help!! Thanks Scott and Jeremy!! Enjoy the pictures stay tuned for more pictures and for all the details from Mandy.