Ok well... I know Kennedy is 5 months old, but I never wrote my feelings down about her birth and the amazing blessing it was. So I figure better late than never. I wanted to have it down somewhere!
So enjoy... or continue your blog surfing!! :)
Lets start way in the beginning. This pregnancy was completely different from Paytons. And I know everyone says each one is different, but I always felt something was...wrong, for lack of a better word. I had told a few people that and of course im sure they thought i was nuts. I felt so different, like pain in areas that i shouldn't and i felt really small. I wrote down everything with payton and as i would compare at about 6 months it changed dramatically. I wasn't getting bigger. Every time i would tell someone how far along i was they couldn't believe it. You would think that was a compliment, but it got annoying and made me nervous. You are supposed to grow and get big~! So at my 33 week appt. when she measured me I hadn't grown since my 30 week appt. I was still measuring just 30 weeks. and i had lost weight. So they sent me in for an ultrasound. Everything checked out fine!
So for our anniversary(15th) we went to the Britney spears concert and surprisingly i wasn't in any pain... weird for me. But afterwards i could barely make it to the car my feet and back and tummy hurt so bad. I was rock hard. I took it easy the next day and then we had my 35 week appt. Thursday.
So when I went in my blood pressure had gotten higher and my protein count was high. And still no change in my measurements. So she wanted me to do a 24 hour urine analysis. That was a joy! But since it was the weekend and the lab was closed she said wait and do it Sunday and take it in Monday. She wasn't too concerned at this point. So i did it and Tuesday morning I got a call from the MA and said that she had made me an appt. at the hospital for a non stress test and an ultrasound. They like your protein levels between 80-150 mine was at 3120! And with the high blood pressure it was most likely pre-clampsia. WHAT? This is nuts. I am freaking out at this point inside. I called a friend of mine that had a similar situation and she told me to be prepared to have the baby! I was not ready for sure. Justin was in a meeting and i couldn't get a hold of him. I told her that i was probably going to just got alone. She made sure Justin knew what was going on... THANKS KRISTEN!
I dropped Payton off at Grandmas thought i would be back to take her to her dance recital that night! But no. I did the NST and the ultrasound. The baby had stopped growing about 2 weeks earlier because of the protein. It had been spilling out into my kidneys and stunt her growth. They said I was going downstairs to be monitored for a few hours. When I got down there my Dr said she would be in to talk to me. I was not staying! My bags were not even packed, baby clothes not washed... this baby was not due for at least another month!
At this point I am still in denial and talking about getting to Paytons recital on time!!! I didn't know my blood pressure at that point. So not 10 minutes later a nurse comes over and says.. it looks like your going to stay and have this baby today or tomorrow.... change your clothes and we will get you some more info! WHAT!!! Ok so then she leaves the room. I cant hold it in any longer.. I burst into tears. Im totally freaked out.. me the baby why is this happening?!!! Justin calms me down. Lets me know its going to be ok. Im still really upset inside, but get ready to hear whats going on. I get a blessing and feel at peace for the first time in a while. I always knew something was wrong and i had anxiety about it for months. Now i am ok. They send in a nicu nurse and let us know that they will be there to take care of her if needs be. They said the most important thing is she comes out crying.
My Dr. finally gets there and said they are going to wait until tomorrow (22nd) because I will be 36 weeks and Kennedy wont have to automatically go to the NICU if she is ok. I was glad for that. So they start my blood pressure meds. I was at like 175/90 something. Not good. The meds made me feel like i was out of my body. People would talk to me and i couldn't make a sentence. HATED THAT!
So throughout the night they checked my blood pressure every 15 minutes.. one of the longest nights ever! My surgery was scheduled for 9 am. It seemed to take forever. They brought Payton in right before they wheeled me out. I said my goodbyes and that when i saw her next she would be a big sister! I started to cry again. There were so many thing that could go wrong... what if i had more complications? What if the baby didn't make it? I was terrified. My blood pressure sky rocketed at that point. Went in got my spinal... and waited to hear that cry! I was praying so hard and just needed to hear that beautiful sound. And .... she came out a blaring! I started my tears all over again! I almost passed out with joy and overwhelming relief! It turned out the Placenta was bad. She had to do something like a D&C (DNC)? to get it out. It was deteriorating. I was lucky to have carried her this long!
she was 5 lbs exactly. Such a tiny thing. But she didn't even need the NICU at all. She was such a trooper. My one thing was i wanted to hold her. I needed that. Well they actually let me take her back to the room right then! CRAZY I know. It was amazing to see my baby holding my new baby! Payton looked so grown up at that moment! It was so cool!
Well they had to take Kennedy away to run more tests and i was exhausted. They took me to my room and asked that i just remain laying down and no more visitors. My blood pressure was really high and they needed it to calm down. Well the headaches started and... oh i had a cold for about 2 months and couldn't get rid of it. I now couldn't get a full breath without pain. So they sent me to have a chest xray. Yeah a cough with a c-section not so great! It was so painful. Well, they finally let me go home after an emotional breakdown. I missed Payton so much. That was the most i had ever been away from her. And Justin had been going home at night to be with her, so i missed him too. I just needed to get home. I was on blood pressure meds for weeks. Then my incision opened.... yeah it sucked. So we watched for infection. I still to this day have some pain in that corner.
So Kennedy is a miracle! She didn't have one issue after birth. We are so lucky! I love my girls!!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009

I just want to do a quick post and gush about my girls! I absolutely LOVE these 2! They are my little pals. Yes we have our days and i can go totally insane, but they are my pride and joy! Payton tries so hard to be helpful and the best big sister! I love her for it! She is a smart little cookie and quite curious. Kennedy is in a fun stage and is learning she has a voice and hands to play with!
I am so greatful to be their mom!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Labor day Weekend!
Our annual camping trip over labor day was a blast! We love going with the Anderson fam up there .... camping, going to swiss days, getting peanut butter bars, just letting the kids run amuck, and having a blast! It got pretty hot on sunday so we filled the truck bed up with water and made our own swimming pool! The kids loved it... it felt good! We listened to the BYU game played in the street and listened to the whole mountain cheer as they won! Especially our camp:) well the byu ones!
The girls had a great time at swiss days, i feel like i found some good buys. Its a good and bad thing for me up there. Being that i have 2 little girls and they have dozens of booths filled with things for girls! The guys got to Golf and they love that! Great food, great company, and over all we love camping and being with family! LOVE YOU ALL!

The girls had a great time at swiss days, i feel like i found some good buys. Its a good and bad thing for me up there. Being that i have 2 little girls and they have dozens of booths filled with things for girls! The guys got to Golf and they love that! Great food, great company, and over all we love camping and being with family! LOVE YOU ALL!
our Tiny dancer!
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