Our big KENNEDY girl!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
This is Kennedy at 1 week old. This shows how TINY she really was.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUGGY BABE!! I really can't believe miss sassy is 2 years old! She is so full of personality and we absolutely adore her. She was a tiny 5lbs when she was born and even smaller when we brought her home, but she was a miracle and has done things her own way ever since! She thinks she is as big as Payton and tries to do everything her big sis does. They are best friends and love to play together. She LOVES her binkie and her blankie. She calls cupcakes "messys", and loves food! Her favorite thing right now is to go to the park and swing. Her oakie is her security and every time a stranger talks to her she says " this is my oakie". We love you kennedy!!!