Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Im a big girl NOW!

I am totally ecstatic about posting this one! Payton is officially POTTY TRAINED! We started about a week and a half ago and now she is a big girl! I am so proud of her and I can't believe how fast time has flown by! Somedays it feels like she was just born and we were learning how to change diapers.... quickly and without getting piddled on. Its perfect timing! I will have a few months off before we start all over again with Baby sister.


YoungFamilyBlog said...

that is so great. So is Jackson. It makes life so nice.

Laura said...

She is so cute! How are you guys doing? It looks like you are doing AWESOME!!! I finally have a blog.... we just got the internet. It is http://tylerandlaurabird.blogspot.com/