Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mothers Day

I had a wonderful Mothers day this every year! But for some reason this year was different for me. Being a mom to 3 crazy little girls is SO much fun, but with that has come some crazy days for mom! Its a lot of juggling with back and forth from preschool, nap times, bottles, 2 in diapers, cleaning, meals, house renovations, and a husband that is working his tail off and with that comes a lot of doing it alone. I LOVE my life and absolutely wouldn't change it... but some days i think man I am not cut out for this!
So this brings me to the HIGH APPRECIATION of my mom and my mother in law! I wonder how they did it with 6( then 9) and 5 kids! Being a mom is the hardest, but most rewarding job that you will ever have. My girls are the light of my life and I am SO LUCKY to have them in my life. I hope that one day they will forgive me for being so crazy, type A, neurotic, perfectionist, and know I do it all out of LOVE!
So Happy Mothers Day to every mother out there. It is crazy that there is only one day in the year to devote to our mothers, but I hope that it was a GREAT one for all of you!!!

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