The other day when I went in to get
Oaklee up I found her like this!! I was a little (
ok a lot) freaked out! I had no idea what this was. It looked like she had been bit by a million Mosquito's. It was red all over and little white bumps in the middle. She was itching like crazy. I thought what the?! I tried to diagnose online, looking at pictures, talking with grandmas, called her pediatrician (in Utah). They all said if it was Chicken Pox it would be small patches and begin to crust over. So we got some
Benadryl, Oatmeal bath, and Calamine lotion to help her out.
I felt so so bad for her. She wasn't ornery or anything just itchy miserable.
Now today when she woke up NOTHING! It is all gone. Turns out it was most likely hives. I wrote down what I fed her the day before and the only thing that was different was an Alfredo sauce I bought. WONT DO THAT AGAIN!
Love my munchkin and glad that is gone, now lets get rid of this cold!!!