Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tornado warning!!

Last week we had our first Tornado Warning EVER! Not fun at all!!!
This picture DOES NOT DO IT JUSTICE, however this is during the Hail part of the storm.
It started when we were at the Gym and they made every one go to the locker rooms. A locker room filled with crying kids and stinky sweaty women... not fun!!!
We were eventually able to leave just before the hail hit. It was so loud the girls HATED it. In between storms i got the 2 Little's to sleep. They slept great! Payton was scared and so I laid with her. It sounded like huge boulders were landing on the roof. The Lightening then started and it was right in our neighborhood so loud and so bright. I HATE THUNDER AND LIGHTENING!!
However we are all safe and so glad that is over!

1 comment:

Shana Smith said...

Wow! Scary! You are a good Momma. Cant believe you were even able to get those girls to sleep. Crazy weather. I didnt even know Colorado had Tornadoes!