Sneaking up on the daddies!
So every year we go to Wasatch and camp over labor day. The ladies all get to go to Swiss days and the guys go golfing. And this year Justin had his first BYU FOOTBALL game!!! He is so dang excited. He is a true Y fan, he has even taught Payton the fight song and how to say go Cougars(his ringtone). My grandpa has had these season tickets for over 50 years and Justin is really the only one left in the family interested to go so lucky him he gets them! We had a great time:)
I'm so happy you wrote something about the Y game....I knew Justin was gonna be stoked when I realized they were playing this weekend! He was always talking about it at work. :)
Well, Payton is growing up so much! She's adorable!
Take care,
looks like you guys had fun. Justing looks cute in his BYU gear! Ha Ha
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