Sunday, December 28, 2008
Merry Christmas!
We had a great WHITE Christmas! Payton is so much fun this year and loved opening her presents as well as anyone elses who would let her! I am so excited to have another little girl join our family! We woke up to quite the storm outside and loved just being together inside. We did venture out to play in the snow at Paytons millionth request! We made a snow cave and had a blast. I am so thankful for Justin and all the he does for our family! He is the light of his girls lives, we LOVE him! Thank you to everyone who has made this year so amazing! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Our Christmas Eve
Each year on Christmas Eve we make a trip to Build a Bear and let Payton make a bear. This is our third year doing it and this was the funnest! She picked "bubbles" and all her clothes. We then go to see the lights on Temple square, freezing as it was she loved all the lights (especially all "her" pink trees). We then go to dinner at the Olive Garden and it was YUM! Once we get home we make our Gingerbread house and watch a Christmas show. This year Payton put out the cookies and milk for Santa. She drank the milk all the way to the front room. I told her it was for santa she just said "i'm helpin him mom." So cute!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Payton's Dance Recital
Monday, December 15, 2008
"Anderson... party of 4!"
Well it is now out there officially and we are so excited!!!! Yes we are going to be having another baby!!!! My little girl is going to be a big sister. Payton has been so funny with this whole pregnancy thing. I was really sick for the first oh.. like 14 weeks and she would catch me saying i don't feel good. She would ask whats wrong mommy? I would tell her mommy's tummy hurts! So each day when it was time for bed it was this " mommy you feelin' good? my tummy hurts too mommy! lets get some medicines"! She is so funny! You ask her where her baby is and she says in her tummy and in moms!
Surprise # 2 ( for some of you) we are going to have another GIRL! And we are totally excited about that. I am due on the 20th of May, but since I have to do it c-section i am hoping to go on friday the 15th! Which will make my girls just under 3 years apart! Perfect for me!
So yes the #1 reason for my lack of blogging over the last few months... every time i would look at the computer i would instantly be sick!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Disneyland trip #2!
We just got back from another AWESOME trip to Disneyland. The whole anderson family went and it was so fun to all be there together! Payton totally loved all the Characters and every morning when she wakes up she says lets go to Disneyland! If you ask her what her favorite ride was she will say Pirates and Maderhorn! She sings yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me.. all the time!
We love being with our family and being in our favorite place with all of them made it even better!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Carrie Underwood
I am a HUGE Carrie Underwood fan and was totally surprised (once again) when Justin got us tickets to her concert. Aparently he has had them for months and I had no idea! which is pretty amazing. W had the BEST seats ever!!! The stage was shaped like a T and we were front row where they would come down and shake hands and sing! Seriously we had no idea where the seats were and were totally shocked when they seated us. We went with our friends Scott and Kristen and I think we decided the guys really got the tickets for themselves!! They like her just as much as we do!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Disney on Ice..
We were able to take Payton to Disney on Ice last Friday night and it was AWESOME! She totally loved it. She got so excited to see all her "friends" and that they lived in a Castle! One of the funniest things was when Woody from Toy Story came out he didn't have his hat on and she stood up to yell (over and over) " WOODY WHERE IS YOUR COWBOY HAT? YOU NEED TO FIND YOUR HAT WOODY"! Oh she is so dang cute! She even was all dressed up as her Minnie Mouse.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Baby Cole
I just found out that one of my good friends growing up Janessa Morrison Whatcott gave birth to a little boy and he passed away just a few days later. I can't imagine what they are going through and my heart goes out to them. As a mother i can't imagine losing a child. I am so thankful to know that families are forever and Janessa and Nick will see their son again!
There were several complications after birth which have led to an incredible amount of medical bills. If you would like to donate and help ease the burden (at least the financial one) a teeny tiny bit, then please go to this blog for more details.... http://www.colewhatcott.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Daddy Daughter Date Night

So about once or twice a month Diddy and Daddy get to hang out all night long. Tonight was one of those special nights that I cherish. Mandy went to her friend Lindsey's house and Diddy and I stayed home and played. These are just a few of the pictures from our fun night. I have to say my favorite part was when I asked Payton if she wanted to make a snowman and she said no lets make a cougar!! For those of you that know me you can only imagine the size of my smile when she said that. My sweet girl is already a die hard cougar like her daddy!! After playing in the snow we came in and made some Mickey Mouse pancakes and had some chocolate milk. I love Payton so much and cherish these nights because before I know it they will be gone!!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
So it has been a while since we have done a post... WE ARE ALIVE!!! We had a fun October and did some fun Halloween things. We took Payton to Thanksgiving point Boo at the Barnyard and let her do all the fun crafts there. We had some friends over to carve pumpkins and she LOVED having them over.
For Halloween she was her favorite person.... Minnie Mouse! She loved dressing up 2 days in a row. We also went to Grandma taylors work and did some fun crafts, games and trick or treating. She was so fun to watch trick or treat she would say Trick or treat and happy halloween to almost every door (thank you Morgan for your help!)
This is a fun age and we are loving it!!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My sweet husband
So yesterday (15th) was our "dating" anniversary (8years) which we haven't really celebrated since we got married. But Justin totally surprised me and made arrangements for a babysitter and we went to the Melting Pot. It was so fun to just go out and be together! He also sent me an Edible Arrangement which i have always said looked so cool. And it was TASTY!!! Payton kept saying open present mommy! Thanks babe for a fun night out! Love you long time!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
State Fair
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